Today we have launched our, “Steam Store Page,” with a status of coming soon. We have a Rat Chat planned for Saturday May 27th which will be the most interactive and inclusive Rat Chat we have ever done. Our entire team is preparing everything for the Steam launch, and today I will give you a quick update on what that means in terms of our developments.
“Coming Soon” means we are now searchable inside of the Steam Store. This will help us aggregate interested customers in preparation for our “Early Release” soft launch. We have decided to go Early Access very intentionally to buy us some grace with the Steam community base and make sure we ease onto the massive platform effectively before the “Full Release” cannon comes into play.
This will give us the time necessary to iron out any kinks and take in feedback from our current customers and new Steam players as well so that by the time we do full release, we are as prepared as possible.
Important Links:
It should be noted that if you have an account here with us, you will be unable to transfer that account / data to your Steam account. We will however be removing many old taken account / game names currently in our database that have been dormant for awhile.
We have some great new software which will allow us to have the most interactive and broadly distributed Rat Chat we have ever done, and that excites the hell out of me. We will be able to host 150 people in our webinar AND we will be redistributing the feed to Facebook & YouTube live, simultaneously.
You will see presentations from our staff members in a very organized environment. We have some really exciting stuff to show you and we’re not about to spill the beans here =)!
So it would be a fantastic idea for you guys to make it in force, you will want to hear all of this news.
Time Zone Breakdown:
You are invited to the most interactive Rat Chat EVER!
When: May 27, 2017 4:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Rat Chat
Please click the link below to join the webinar (you will not be able to join until we officially launch it on Saturday):
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,251986407# or +14086380968,251986407#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Webinar ID: 251 986 407
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=MovoANGuDGOyTIdbfF3hpcfTHy9TPMaq
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