We’ve had some reorganization within the Community Management Team, the next Rat Chat is imminent, and we’re giving you a sneak peek at the ReadMe for the upcoming 1.35.12 patch! Take a look at all the details in this week’s Dev Update!
We’d like to announce some changes that have recently been made in the Community Management team. Due to some circumstances beyond his control, KMS has stepped down as the Community Management Team Lead. He will still be a part of the Community Management Team and will assist the team as an ACM! The community could not ask for a better advocate than KMS and we ask everyone to take a moment to thank him for his continued service to our awesome community! We’re lucky to have him as a part of our team!
Stepping up to take the reins of the new Community Management Team is BLKHWK8! He’s got some big shoes to fill, so next time you see him in game, give him your congratulations! BLKHWK8 has already brought some great ideas and a fresh perspective to the team and we’re excited to see all the great work that he’ll do for our awesome community!
We also would like to introduce to you 2 new Assistant Community Managers who have joined the team, BIRDMAN26 and SPEAR!
At CRS we know how important community is to our game (remember that pretty much every single member of the development team started out as just a player!) and we’re excited that we have Community Managers who are absolutely dedicated to being the primary liaisons between the community and the dev team! They’d love to hear from you so when you see them around, make sure to chat with them for a little while!
It’s time once again to sit down and chat with the Rats! We’d like to invite you to join us for a informal chat and Q&A between the Rats and the community!
We will kick things off at 2pm Server time (US Central time)
The Rat Chat will be held as a Zoom Webinar! This format was a big hit the last time and we’re hoping that you will join us for another great discussion about all things WWII Online!
Here are the details on how to join!
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 10, 2018 2:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Rat Chat Webinar: March 10th, 2018
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699006833,,370950511# or +14086380968,,370950511#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923
Webinar ID: 370 950 511
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=8so0vNJkv9kmi5UI2Wf-8mYKxr5HFrS9
We’re getting close to our next content release for WWII Online and we wanted to give you all a sneak peak at the ReadMe that goes along with it! As we have not finalized the release yet, all of this may not be final and we reserve the right to make changes if we need to.
World War II Online
Version – Update: (March 2018)
This Production Update adds even more NEW content to the game in the way of Fighter-Bombers, Close Support tanks, and even a few Italian infantry.
Client related:
New Content
– For Fighter-Bombers we see the introduction of the Hurricane Mk IIb “Hurribomber” for both the British and French air forces. It will carry two 250lb GP Bombs and ten .303 Machine Guns. The German air force will get the Bf 109E-4/B (Jabo) which will carry a single SC250 250kg Bomb and its standard armament of two 7.9mm Machine Guns and two 20mm Cannons.
– Close Support (CS) Tanks will include the Crusader II CS and Matilda II CS for the British ground forces. CS tank armament will include High Explosive (HE) and Smoke rounds along with their standard machine guns. The German forces, while not specifically CS tanks, will receive Smoke rounds for both the PzIVD and StuG III B tanks.
– The British ground forces will be receiving an upgrade to the Vickers light tank series which will be the Vickers Mk VIC. It has an upgraded primary weapon, the 15mm BESA heavy Machine Gun.
– The Italians will be joining the German ground forces. They will constitute of the Carcano Rifleman and the Beretta Submachine Gunner, which will have standard infantry loadouts made up of other German gear.
– The 250 Hispana Squad Decal has been added for recognition of their support in the 2017 fundraiser
– New Builder, Volunteer, and Rat Decals have been added
New Commands
– Joining another player’s mission will now be much easier than it used to be. With the addition of the .join <player name> (or .j) command, players that are not spawned into the game will be able to quickly join another mission without the need to navigate through the Graphical User Interface.
Bug fixes:
– Locked the bailout, build PPO, confirm box, despawn, and quit windows so that they are not able to be moved on the screen
– The HC Manual, in game, has been updated with missing commands
– Alt+Tab was broken a few patches ago and should now work better than it was
– Chinese Graphical User Interface text has been updated to add missing text
– Updates the UK SMG Thompson spelling and French Grenadier weapon name
– Updates the gunsights for the Pak36, 17-pdr, and M4A3.
– Mission points for Capture, Destroy AI, Infantry Resupplier, Destroy FMS, Repair Bridge, Damage Bridge, Damage Factory, and Damage FB are now configurable by the Game Managers
– Updates the capture timers for campaign 152
– Fixes the way balancing capture timers work
– Bunkers have been updated to only be capturable from within the radio room
– The Credits have been updated to reflect CRS team changes
– An ongoing task is to ensure World War II Online is available to as many players as possible in their native language, the Game UI etc, has multi-lingual capability. This is continuously being updated as the game evolves.
– The missing HUD images for both Italian infantry are known and will be updated with the next release
S! Cornered Rat Software
We’ll see you on the Battlefield!
Source: https://www.wwiionline.com/game-news/development-notes/cm-team-changes-and-1-35-12-readme-first-look
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