Join the Rats this Sunday for a Rat Chat at 12PM US Central (GMT -6) on TS3. BF-109 rudder fix in testing, gun crew members are being updated and 1.36 is being integrated into the HOST on the dev server. WWII Online Audio Update: December 16th, 2016 (HERE).
Please join the team and I for a Rat Chat this Sunday. We want to spend sometime with you and let you know where we’re at and allow you to ask questions pertinent to you and other players. This will be hosted on the Axis Teamspeak 3 server in our “Rat Chat” channel.
HATCH has been working on the BF-109 and making sure that its current (significant and bad) delay is improved. I was personally able to test it to see where it’s at and it is exceedingly more appropriate. That does not mean it has a magic edge suddenly, it does mean the movement of the pedals are more responsive and without delay, enabling the aircraft’s pilot to better manage flight and combat maneuvering without buggy consequences of spinning rapidly out of control.
We’re listening very closely to our veteran pilots for feedback about Air Frames that require revision. We encourage you to post feedback in the forums with the understanding that we’ll make adjustments where we can and as chosen. Maintaining historical accuracy and fidelity in our flight models is key. If there are very noticeable abnormalities that are negatively affecting flight, THAT is what we want to hear about upfront.
We’d like to thank SADGUY (our primary artist) for all of his efforts in updating crew members on artillery pieces. There’s more work to be done but we did want to show you what it will look like.
All of the things that make 1.36 which is by far game rules and how things work. VICTARUS has been working on this stuff full time over the last couple of weeks and is making solid progress.
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