We’ve had some reorganization within the Community Management Team, the next Rat Chat is imminent, and we’re giving you a sneak peek at the ReadMe for the upcoming 1.35.12 patch! Take a look at all the details in this week’s Dev Update!
We’d like to announce some changes that have recently been made in the Community Management team...
All veteran accounts at WWII Online have been reactivated to show the latest developments that have been made here and to raise awareness about our 2018 Roadmap and funding initiatives. Report to an active squad and get into the fight! For any account support please submit a ticket at http://support.wwiionline.com and our guys will get you squared away...
The big day is here and it’s time to show you what’s happening for 2018 at WWII Online and Cornered Rat Software! From completing some last remaining items in our 2017 roadmap, to several new vehicles, enhancing the software to a 64-bit version, redoing our user interface and getting the hybrid supply system in order, and the beginning stages of creating a new development Wing at CRS to move our ...
Those who joined today’s squad night already know, for those who couldn’t: I’ll be stepping down in my role as the acting Commanding Officer of WHIPS.
Almost to the day, it has been 2 years since WHIPS opened up for recruiting
Starting recruiting back then was my last attempt to stay with the game and not to unsub.
I liked the idea from the beginning and I was so hyped that I reserved a domain and...